Pink Oyster Mushroom Bacon


Prep Time

Coming soon!

Cook Time

Coming soon!





  • 3tbsp butter
  • 3tbsp maple syrup
  • 1tsp smoked paprika
  • 1tsp garlic powder
  • 3/4tsp salt
  • 1/4tsp cracked black pepper
  • 120z Pink Oyster Mushrooms, cut into bacon size strips


  1. Melt butter in a small sauce pan then stir in maple syrup smoked paprika, garlic powder, salt and black pepper allowing to simmer for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Toss the Pink Oyster mushroom pieces in the butter and maple syrup mixture until evenly coated.
  3. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes turning once or twice.
  4. Use as an appetizer, in pastas, on sandwiches, etc.

Other Recipes

Brown Beauty Mushroom and Cauliflower Carnitas
Vegan King Trumpet Mushroom “Scallops”
Maple Roasted Maitake Mushrooms on Toast
Vegan Butter shoyu Maitake Mushrooms

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    Pebble Creek Biologist

    Danielle is a dedicated biologist with a profound passion for mycology and cultivating high-quality mushrooms for the local culinary scene. Her love for exploring the world sparked a deep appreciation for nature’s intricacies. After receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from WMU, she worked in multiple laboratories before immersing herself in the mycology world at Pebble Creek. Since joining the family farm, Danielle found herself at the forefront of a new chapter as the company recently invested over 100k into a new lab.

    With a keen eye for detail and understanding of fungal biology, Danielle plays a vital role in ensuring the farm produces top-notch gourmet mushrooms. Through experimentation and data analysis, Danielle continuously seeks to optimize cultivation techniques, maximize yield and enhance the quality of the final product. Driven by a commitment to sustainability and supporting local businesses, Danielle’s work helps embody the farm-to-table ethos. By contributing to each harvest, she’s nurturing a culture of excellence in mushroom farming that enriches both palates and communities alike. Danielle continues to be a key factor in Pebble Creek winning multiple awards and species development.

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    Pink Oyster Mushroom Bacon